Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Natives Were Impressed

My audition last Thursday went really well. The Goodspeed Hall piano has verly light action so it was easy to play the Chopin Etude. I just found out this afternoon that I got invited to play it in a "University of Chicago Piano Showcase" concert on the 19th. I figure what with a full course load and a wedding to plan, what harm could there be in tossing in a tight concert schedule?

I'm also going to be learning the Piano portion of the Prokofiev op. 94 sonata which is one of my favorite pieces in general. Its been a few years since I looked at it. It's a nice feeling to be able to circle back to a piece that was once way too difficult, and be able to do it with few problems.

(For those of you waiting for the next TDH installment I'll try to put it together for tomorrow)

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